It isn’t easy to see your teenager go through challenging times. It’s also hard at times to avoid taking their behavior personally, but it’s important to remember that they are going through many changes and need your support.

Here are six strategies for helping them through their transitions:

  1. Understand what they are going through. It’s important to understand the changes your teen is experiencing to provide the best possible support. Here are some ideas to help you understand your teenager better:
  • Talk to other, more experienced parents. They can provide you with helpful insights on handling certain situations or developmental stages.

  • Research the topic online, read books, or speak to a healthcare professional about the transitional phrases your teenager will experience.

  • Finally, talk to your teen about what they’re going through at this pivotal stage in their life.

  1. Don’t take their behavior personally. Teens can be moody and rebellious, but it’s important to remember that this is normal adolescent behavior. Try these tips to help you cope with adolescent mood swings and rebellion:
  • Acknowledge that their behavior is normal and to be expected.

  • Don’t take it personally when they lash out or say hurtful things and remind yourself that this is a phase that will eventually pass.

  • Focus on the positives instead of polarizing the negatives.

  1. Let them know you are there for them. In times of transition, it’s more important than ever for your teen to see that you are there for them.
  • One way to show your support is to be available and present when they need to talk. Also, make time for quality conversation and listen attentively without judgment.

  • When asked, offer help but avoid micromanagement and “helicopter parenting” tactics.

  • Respect their privacy and independence and encourage and praise their positive behavior.

  • Remember to take care of yourself during this difficult time. As a parent, you are the foundation of support for your teenager, so you must stay strong.

  1. Help them find their support network. Besides you, your teenager will need a support system to help them through their transitions.
  • Identify and encourage positive relationships in their life, such as with friends, extended family members, mentors, coaches, or religious leaders.

  • These individuals can provide guidance and support during this time of change. Also, monitor these relationships closely to ensure they are positive and healthy.

  • Encourage your teen to join support groups or clubs related to their interests, as this can help them feel connected and less alone during times of transition.

  • Consider the power of therapy. A therapist can provide valuable support and guidance for you and your teen.

  1. Encourage them to stay connected to hobbies and interests outside the home. Teenagers need to stay connected to their hobbies and interests during the transition, as this can help provide a sense of stability. Some ideas to encourage this are:
  • Help them pursue their passions. For example, if they love music, help them find opportunities to play in a band or join a choir.

  • Encourage them to try new things. Trying new activities can help your teen expand their interests and support them during this change.

  • Make sure they have time for fun. Besides pursuing their passions, teenagers must have time for leisure activities and fun. It can help reduce stress and provide a much-needed outlet.

  1. Keep the lines of communication open. One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to keep the lines of communication open with your teenager. It is essential during the transition when they feel lost or confused.
  • Encourage them to talk to you about their thoughts and feelings.

  • Make yourself available to talk, but don’t force them to speak if they’re not ready and listen attentively without judgment. Also, respect their privacy and independence.

  • Remember to express your thoughts and feelings as well. Sharing your own experiences can help your teenager feel more connected to you and less alone.

Transitions can be difficult for everyone, but especially for teenagers. As a parent, you can support your teenager through these changes by understanding their experience, staying available to them, and helping them find their support system.

It’s important to encourage your teen to stay connected to their hobbies and interests and keep the communication lines open.

With your help, they will soon emerge from this stage as a happy and confident adult, ready to take on the world!